Agave Victoriae Reginae Cream Edge.
Agave victoriae-reginae 'Golden Princess', 'Kazo Bana'.
agave victoriae reginae cream edge


An attractive varigated form of Agave victoriae-reginae. Slow growing and well suited to pot culture, dense compact rosettes up to 30 cm high by 45cm wide at maturity. Leaf margins without teeth. Occasionally forms offsets that are close to the base.

Sometimes seen with names such as 'Aurea Marginata', Aureo-Marginata' or 'Variegata' but latin cultivar names were depreciated long ago. I have called this one 'cream edge' because this is what it looked like when I received it without a name as a small pup.

The varigation is sensitive to light climate and can fade to yellow-light green in winter and turns more golden yellow in summer.

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