Agave Pumila


A small dimorphic plant that starts off as a juvenile form for 8-12 years, as small suckering rosettes about 5-8 cm wide with thick succulent leaves , 2-4cm long x 3-4 cm wide , deeply concave above, rounded below, grayish green, striped below, the margin thin, white with friable with several weak small teeth.

The adult form is a short, thick-stemmed nonsuckering, open rosette, 40-50 cm tall, 60-70 cm wide. Leaves 30-38 x 4-4.5 cm, deltoid-lanceolate, grayish green, without check marks below; margin narrowly white corneous, detaching, with small weak teeth 1-2 mm long, 1-1.5 cm apart; spine 1.5 cm long, slender.

It is thought to be a hybrid between A. lechuguilla and A. victoriae-reginae.

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